Ambleton is excited to see full funding granted by the Alberta Government for Evanston’s K-4 school site!
What does this mean for Ambleton residents?
The new school will help alleviate over-crowding to existing schools in the area and will offer elementary aged children in Ambleton an additional option to Evanston’s existing K-4 Kenneth D. Taylor Catholic School.
What does full funding mean? How are schools built in new communities? Who is responsible for what?
Building a new school in Alberta is not only a financial issue, but a thorough process from the start of planning to the finish of construction. Land developers provide serviced land for these areas, but these initiatives require careful decision-making at every stage between the municipal school boards and province, with a goal to offer a high-quality learning environment for the students of Alberta.
Let's explore the stages of planning, design, and construction for schools in Alberta further.
Graphic provided by the Province of Alberta (
Stage 1: The Planning Phase
Each new school construction or modernization project starts with careful planning. Alberta Infrastructure works together with Alberta Education and local school boards to assess the need for a new school or renovation based on demographic data, enrolment projections, school jurisdiction priorities, and existing facility conditions. Capital funding for these major projects is generally announced during the Provincial Budget each year.
Stage 2: Project Design and Approval
Once the need for a new school or modernization project is identified and funding is approved, the design phase begins. Architects and engineers collaborate closely with Alberta Infrastructure, Alberta Education, and the respective school board to develop the design and specifications of the project. Community and stakeholder engagement also often plays a key role in this stage.
Before progressing to construction, the design plan must undergo several levels of review and approval. For provincially funded projects, approval is granted by Alberta Infrastructure. Meanwhile, locally funded projects fall under the purview of the individual school jurisdiction.
Stage 3: Construction Process
With approved designs in hand, Alberta Infrastructure passes the construction project to prequalified general contractors. Oversight continues during construction to ensure the project adheres to the approved design and meets the expected timelines. Large-scale projects typically have a set schedule with construction milestones and completion dates, which are closely monitored by Alberta Infrastructure.
Stage 4: Realization and Execution
Finally, once construction is complete, the school building is turned over to the respective school board for operation. This involves fitting out the interior of the building, hiring staff, and preparing for students.
To learn more about how Alberta school projects are planned, visit
For a full list of Alberta Education’s Approved School Projects in 2024, click here: